FormulaTV Foros

Foro El mentalista

Fotos 2x11 SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05/12/2009 21:30
Hola, sorry por sólo postear y no comentar es q a penas tengo tiempo para respirar jijijijijiji, pero me muero por comentar los temas están buenísimos.

Por cierto este es el caps dónde supuestamente besan a Lisbon cómo nos comentó AgenteJ???????? dejo la lista de los personajes tb para ver quién creen uds q puede ser el sujeto q besa a Lisbon, se imaginan si es el viejito de la foto jajajjaja Jane va a bromearla hasta el día en q se muera y los chicos tb jajajajjajajaj.

Ahp el caps se trata de un asesinato en una reunión de ex alumnos, desde ya el viejito tiene pinta turbia jejejjej.





Rigsby luce muy guapo esta temporada


Lista de personajes (nombre y características):

[WILLA] 33, pretty, poised, well appointed. In high school, she was popular, a cheerleader, a champion debater and top of the school hierarchy. Now she is now the host of a successful daytime talk show in Chicago (think Katie Couric). Acting as the "reunion chair," she oversees the entire reunion and hopes certain secrets from high school have been forgotten...GUEST LEAD (5)
[D.A. GABE NISTICO] 33, Caucasian, Latin, or African American, well-dressed, warm, handsome, sincere, confident and affable, he is the D.A. in San Diego county, now running for Lieutenant governor. Gabe has returned home for his fifteen- year high school reunion. We later learn that Gabe has a secret he would like to keep under wraps; fearful of the damage it might do to his career...GUEST STAR (8)

[L.J. KEELING] 33, a former high school football star, self-important, immature, oblivious to the fact that other people have feelings, he is still fond of reminiscing about the time he made five touchdowns for his high school team. He is a gregarious fellow, the type who believes in the life lessons taught by sports...GUEST STAR (5)

[PHIL RICHMOND] 33, he's a studious band member type who hasn't changed much since he was a teen, now on hand for his fifteen year high school reunion. Married with a son, he was ribbed by the jocks who referred to him as "Frogman." Though he tries to make light of it, he still carries a grudge towards those who bullied him...GUEST STAR (17) OPEN TO ALL ETHNICITIES

[TERENCE BADALI] In his 40s, blue collar, tightly wound, not handsome, quick-tempered, a worker in an industrial warehouse. He is a suspect in the killing of his former fiancée and her husband...GUEST STAR (22)

[VICE PRINCIPAL JOSEPH DESOUZA] In his 60s, he is the Vice Principal of the high school where the high school reunion is being held. Obviously bored by the festivities, he's more than willing to assist the CBI with their investigation...GUEST STAR (33) OPEN TO ALL ETHNICITIES

[KAY VICKERS] In her 50s, middle class, she is a woman who has clearly weathered her share of life's disappointments and because of that, has become slightly disassociated with some aspects of life. The mother of the murder victim, she speaks with Cho and Van Pelt about her son who had always been a "good clean honest boy," still bewildered as to how he got mixed up in a scandalous prank his last year of high school...ONE DAY GUEST STAR (15)

[TESS ARLEN] 18 or over to play 16, Caucasian, Latin, or African American, friendly, smart, mature, tactful, this charming young lady is a "student ambassador" at the high school reunion party...LARGE MULTI-DAY CO-STAR (5)

[STU MCALPINE] 33, slick and sleazy, he attends his high school reunion with a young bimbo on his arm...4 lines, 2 scenes (12)

[GRANT] 33, he is an inebriated ex-high school wrestler, now an office drone, on hand for his high school reunion...2 lines, 1 scene (4)

[GIRLFRIEND] Mid- 20s, sexy, a paid escort with a killer body, she is Stu's date for the reunion...2 lines, 1 scene (12)
06/12/2009 00:18
me encantaría una reunion de exalumnos y que mis ex compañeros hayan evolucionado y fueran como Rigsby y jane
Derek Logan???? Rigsby encubierto o que???
06/12/2009 02:25
Yay! se ve bueno! Aunque no sé Mrs Luthor si será verdad lo que me contaron o no. De hecho , mi amiga tampoco estaba muy segura...pero por lo que leo en el cast call paraciera que hay varios prospectos...(aunque si la besa el viejito juro que me muero de la risa XD...pobre Lisbon)
06/12/2009 03:24
El don besando a Lisbon? jajaja ojala, para reirme un rato. bueno siempre hay algo de que reirse en todos los episodios... menos en el ultimo :S

Y si... Rigsby vino belloooo bellooooo esta temporada.
06/12/2009 09:34
AgentGlory yo tb pensé q Rigsby va encubierto me tinca q es parte de los típicos planes de Jane jajajajjajaja.

AgenteJ yo creo q pronto saldremos de la duda pq un spoiler asi va a prender como el fuego jejejejej habrá q esperar q empiecen a llegar los chismes.

TheMentalistGirl cuanta razón sólo el último caps fue todo seriote pero Simon dijo q no habpia q preocuparse pq habría muchos episodios gracioso y hasta del tipo El crucero del amor jajajajjajaja.

07/12/2009 10:34
Rigsby Pelo Pincho carcajada