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Post para comentar THE 100 - Season 3 -

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11/07/2014 10:04
Buenos días chicas,

Abro este post ya que Martitah me ha animado, ya que somos muchas que nos estamos enganchando a esta gran serie.


30/04/2015 12:17
Lo que comentábamos ayer! si

Jason Rothenberg ‏@JRothenbergTV
We didn't win the poll, but I'm amazingly proud of @WILDPIPM & #THE100 FANS! Congrats to @Outlander_Starz! Good luck in the finals @eonline

E! Online ‏@eonline
@JRothenbergTV @WildpipM @Outlander_Starz You guys are total winners in our book, if that counts!
30/04/2015 13:14
Que guay! Es de las pocas veces que me gusta lo que escribe Jason, jajaj La verdad es que yo me siento ganadora y muy orgullosa de formar parte de todo esto.

Y bueno chicas después de la resaca de la entrevista yo me pongo al lío, que a Lindsey la había dejado apartada a la podre, con lo que me gusta esta chica!!
Para empezar os dejo una fotos de nuestra chica de la semana haciendo boxeo y trabajando en el gimnasio, para darle un poco más de sentido al tema de cuerpo musculado:





Y para finalizar comentar algo de su personaje en The 100, decir que me encanta la pareja que hace con Wick, se entienden a la perfección y ella obtiene de él lo que ahora mismo necesita, después de todo lo que ha tenido que pasar, así que os dejo unos gifs de su momentazo:


Y un video muy chulo de su relación:

30/04/2015 21:02
Hola de nuevo!
He visto esta nuevas fotos de Bob Morley de vacaciones y no me he podido resistir a compartirlas con vosotras.lengua
En la última foto no se a quien saca ese dedo...espero que al que le esta haciendo la foto.



01/05/2015 01:35
Chicas, que pena no haberme podido pasar antes. He estado hoy super liada porque he tenido que entregar tres trabajos bastante importantes, pero bueno...mañana pondré más de Lindsey!

A mi Wicken no me disgusta, pero tampoco es que me encanten. No sé, para mi fue todo muy corrido. Me los han puesto juntos antes si quiera de que me diera tiempo a quererlos juntos...:S

Y ostras Lindsey, parece que se entrena de lo lindo. Así se explica que esté tan

Bueno...lo dicho, mañana me paso a dejar cositas. Pero antes de irme os dejo estos dibujos que he visto y que me han dejado muerta matada. Como puede alguien dibujar tan bien?? asombrado

01/05/2015 01:43

Me cae a mí bien Lindsay! Que lo tiene todo la chica... Es mona y se la ve maja! Además es femenina... pero a la vez fuerte si

El wicken a mí tampoco me apasionan, por lo que dice Martitah... que los han juntado antes de empezar a querer que lo hicieran carcajada
Pero bueno, tienen su punto. Creo que así como relación secundaria pues cumplen ;)

Los dibujos una pasada!! Mucha envidia me da esa gente!!
01/05/2015 09:11
A mi es que salvo Bellarke el resto de relaciones pues bueno...están bien, pero no me han enganchado tanto. A Lincoln y Octavia los soporto cada día mejor, sobre todo ahora que sus escenas son menos moñas y más badass. carcajada Lo que tengo ganas de que pase es Kabby. jajajaja

A Raven es que podrían haberle metido una bonita historia de amor, así más lenta y con más emoción. Pero bueno, a ver que nos tienen preparados para la tercera temporada. ;)

Dejo fotos y entrevista a Lindsey que ha salido en la portada de la revista "Afterglow"


Lindsey ha asistido también esta noche a un evento. Dejo foto! :)


Edito: Hay noticias de la nueva peli de Bob Morley "Lost In The White City", en la que comparte pantalla con Thomas Deker, mejor conocido por participar en la serie The Secret Circle (o al menos de ahí lo conozco yo carcajada)

Acaba de salir el trailer, aunque son más tipo clips. Al parecer la peli se va a estrenar en un festival en Chicago el 15 de mayo. Dudo que alguna de nosotras se vaya a ir hasta allí para verla, pero a ver si algún buen samaritano se apiada de nosotras y la puede subir a la red.

La foto que acompaña a la noticia es esta. Desde luego saben como atrapar nuestra atención!


Lost In The White City tells the story of an emotionally charged love triangle set in the hot political climate of modern Tel Aviv. A young couple take a winter break in Tel Aviv as an opportunity to exercise their creativity. But while Eva (Haley Bennett) writes poetry and parties with friends, Kyle (Thomas Dekker) works on a film which expresses his own confused sexuality with Avi (Bob Morley)—a young ex-soldier—drawing Avi further into the couple's complex relationship.

Aquí el link:



01/05/2015 15:53
Madre mía!! Como esta este hombrecarcajadacarcajada...esa foto en bañador...tengo una subida de hormonas!!jaja.

Que ganas de ver esa película, esperemos que alguien la suba porque sino nos vamos a quedar con las ganas y ya. Tiene buena pinta y por lo que parece Bob participa bastante.bravo

Os dejo un fanart de Raven Reyes, impresionante!!!, parece una foto, perdón por el tamaño pero no la he encontrado más pequeña:

01/05/2015 16:54
La foto del bañador es que es matadora. Podrían haber puesto esa escena en clip...carcajada

Bueno...parece que estoy encontrando cositas de Lindsey. Os dejo estas declaraciones que hizo para la revista NKD en las que cuenta cómo acabo siendo actriz básicamente y todos los palos que se llevó. La verdad es que solamente de leerla me he estresado yo. jajajaj

No one could believe it when Lindsey Morgan dropped out of college to move to Los Angeles.

“I was young enough, naïve enough, and ignorant enough to be like, ‘Oh my God, I can do this’,” Lindsey says.

Born in Georgia, Lindsey and her family moved to Austin, Texas, where she was raised. She performed in theatrical productions while she was growing up, but her career wasn’t extraordinary. “I wasn’t very good,” said Morgan. “I was never the star of the show, but was put in the chorus, played an understudy or painted the backdrop.” She was very shy.

That’s exactly why her family was surprised when she decided to major in theater in college and suddenly move to Hollywood halfway through her collegiate career. “My mom was mortified,” Lindsey concedes.

They made a deal that she could intern with a theater company for that summer, but she never went back home. “I felt like I learned so much and gained so much experience [that] I wasn’t getting in Austin,” she says.

So she moved permanently and enrolled in as many classes as she could. She was taking 15 hours of college courses to make up for her time off.

Lindsey says her first agent and manager were terrible, but she accepted them instantly. Being so green, she took whatever she could get. She would later learn that that was not the best decision.

“They gave me bogus contracts that were illegal and charged me way too much money,” she recalls. They took advantage of her ignorance to the point where she barely did anything her first year.

Finally, she found a great acting studio and coach John Rosenfeld. “He championed me. He was great,” Lindsey says.

However, she was coming up to the point where she was spending all of her saved up college money from home and not making any in return. Just when she was about to take time off from acting lessons her coach offered her a scholarship. John told Lindsey to pay him back once she booked a role.

“The best advice he gave me was to go into debt for my education, so I did,” she says.

“They had been taking a higher percentage of money than the acting union allowed, so when they threatened to sue me I told them they couldn’t because the contract was illegal,” Lindsey explains.

She then found a great manager and agent who sent her on numerous auditions, which landed her a contract position on the popular soap opera, General Hospital.

Lindsey had never watched soap operas prior to booking the role of Kristina Davis, so she wasn’t sure what she was getting herself into. She describes it as working all day every day, learning 30 new pages of dialogue a night and performing a new play every single day. She says it moves quickly, and you have to nail your part on the first or second take.

“That was crazy because at that point I was still very green,” she says.

She also joined the cast at a point when many soap operas were canceled. “I started when General Hospital was moving into a new regime,” she explains. “It was a high-pressure cooker of everyone wanting to stay on the air.”

To make the situation even more difficult, she was replacing an actress who was well-liked by the audience. She received a good amount of hate on the Internet, which took a toll on her.

“Looking back, I came into what feels like now as a hostile environment,” she recalls.

Although Lindsey was nominated for an Emmy for the role of Kristina, she did not feel like she performed best work on the show. Receiving so much hate from the audience hurt her confidence, and she was always stressed. “They tell you to develop a thick skin and get rejected from auditions but also at work,” Lindsey shares.

She describes acting as very different from a job like accounting. In acting, you are constantly under a microscope, with millions of people judging you from your very first take.

After about year, it was unclear where her character on General Hospital was heading, which led to a mutual parting.

Lindsey was left feeling as though she was fired. Although she was slightly devastated at first, that sentiment was quickly replaced by a huge sigh of relief.

Leaving General Hospital left her with self doubt, pondering whether she should continue to pursue acting. However, her love and passion helped her persevere. Untitled 1

When she booked her role of Raven Reyes on The CW’s post-apocalyptic drama The 100, it was supposed to only be a five episode guest role.

Lindsey was prepared for her character to be killed off quickly. But now in season two, Raven is still alive.

Raven is a brave and intelligent mechanic who can fend for herself. To prepare for the role, Lindsey picked up a copy of Mechanics for Dummies. “I flipped through to the control panel and wiring because I knew she had to be good with her hands and really know what she’s doing,” Lindsey says.

She also started CrossFit training so Raven could believably stand her ground as the only female in a group of men. “I watched how guys walked and carried themselves and brought a very masculine energy to her,” she explains.

Lindsey describes her scenes as “very stressful and exhausting” Raven is constantly in a “kill or be killed” situation. “I can’t fake cry. So when I cry [on screen], I’m really crying,” she says. “You have to trick your body into a traumatic state. It’s exhausting.”

The 100 has taught Lindsey has strengthened her confidence and shown her how capable she is for the role. By pushing herself in her role as Raven, Lindsey is continuing to evolve as an actress.

En esta entrevista habla un poco de todo esto. Y el momento del principio no tiene precio. Me meo con ella y los badasss. Esta chica es divertida sin siquiera intentarlo! carcajada

Además de Bob, Lindsey Morgan también ha participado en un videoclip! si

Big Time Rush - Boyfriend ft. Snoop Dogg

En cuanto a nuevos proyectos se ha anunciado que protagonizará una película para TV. Se titula "Casa Vita" y en ella interpretará a Arianna Vita, la protagonista femenina. :)

Sobre su personaje:

Described as a Latina, who’s intelligent and gorgeous, Arianna is hardworking with a passion for food. She works at her family’s restaurant and frequently butts heads with her stubborn father.


“Casa Vita” follows a young man (Bilodeau) living on an Iowa farm, who is determined to pursue his dream of becoming a professional baseball player and becomes elated when he is invited to a major league tryout camp in Los Angeles. He’ll end up meeting an equally impassioned young woman (Morgan) with a desire to pursue her dream of having her own restaurant. They’ll learn that it’s not always a bad thing when dreams take a bit of a detour.
Written by Michael Stiles and Nathan Atkins and directed by Ernie Barbarash. The film will be produced by Larry Livens, and will air on PixL.

Edito: Y mirad si está tonificada la tía! asombrado

01/05/2015 23:25
Hola chicas!!! He tenido q desconectar un poco después del tute q me di en las votaciones jejejje
asombrado Menudo cuerpazo tiene este Bob! Madre mía! Babas... Muchas babas!! Se q no le gusta q se lo digan pero hijo mío verdad solo hay una!carcajada Aunke odio esos bañadores masculinos, estaría mucho más tremendo con unas bermuditas surferascool

Y Lindsey no se keda atrás, vaya cuerpazo tiene la tía y no veas cm se cuida y se machaca... Ya me gustaría a mi tener esa disciplinahum Bueno mañana me paso cn mas tiempo y a ver si encuentro algo para dejarossonriente
02/05/2015 01:47
Parece que Bob le está cogiendo gustillo a esto de las convenciones. carcajada


Espero que este año a la Comic Con si que vaya, porque me daría mucha rabia que no fuera. Además que ahora que no está Finn ya no hay duda de que él es el prota masculino (tampoco es que la hubiera antes guiño). El año pasado supongo que no fue porque la temporada la habían acabado con la duda de si Bellamy y Finn seguían vivos, pero ahora no tiene excusa. jajajaja
02/05/2015 17:45
Esto es demasiado "asjhkljjkghlj" como para no ponerlo. Cuando hablamos de Bob también se nos olvidó mencionar que le encanta trabajar la madera. Dejo fotos de su último trabajo, una silla que talló nada más volver a Australia. En serio, es que no puede ser más adorable!!

02/05/2015 21:35
Voy a poner todo en 3 post, que en 2 no me deja... demasiado largo carcajada. Allá va!

Dejo aquí una teoría interesante que he leído, es un poco larga, pero merece la pena leerla

Now the battle is all done and dusted many of us have moved on to thinking and theorising about what might happen in Season 3 for our favourite space survivors and their badass new grounder friends, but what if the biggest clue as to what this whole A.L.I.E situation means has been staring us in the face the whole time?!

What’s often overlooked when analysing this show is the existence of Mount Weather itself, we never talk about HOW or WHY the residents came to be there. And there’s something about it that just doesn’t sit right with me.

HOW did the people inside Mount Weather have time to get underground before the bombs?
WHY did they never contact the people on the Ark despite having sophisticated technology?
HOW did they survive so long underground without limited supplies, and how did they create farming and medical systems that weren’t pre-existing?
WHY were the Mountain Men so hell bent on wiping out all of the grounders when they clearly were capable to negotiating when it meant avoiding a war?
In fact WHY did the war between the Mountain Men and Grounders start in the first place?
HOW did Mount Weather and Washington DC survive the bombings so well when New York was completely wiped out?
Here’s my theory, the people inside Mount Weather KNEW about the nuclear bombings well in advance, in fact, THEY PLANNED IT in an attempt to cull the world of lower class citizens they believed weren’t worthy of redemption.

This is a pretty heavy topic for a CW show to tackle, the systematic culling of almost the entire human race by the government isn’t exactly teen rom-com material but we know The 100 is capable of some very intense themes.

Keep reading below for my full break down and analysis of all the clues.

What we know about Mount Weather:

In Season 2 Episode 1 Clarke’s opening monologue and Jaha’s speech give us vital information about the Ark and the nuclear war.

1. Clarke explains that ‘12 nations had operational space stations at the time of the bombs’, implying that these stations were pre-existing, they weren’t sent into space because of the war, they were manned scientific experiments already running in space. What that means in terms of the nuclear war is that there wasn’t enough time to send stations into space, the citizens of the Earth didn’t receive much warning.

2. Jaha explains that Mount Weather was pre-stocked but only with non-perishables for 300 people to last 2 years. And he also notes that no one made it there before the bombings. There’s nothing in any records to suggest that Mount Weather has the facilities for a longer stay than 2 years, definitely not the sophisticated farming and medical systems that we see in place. Not only that but there were no records of any people making it there alive before the bombings and yet the people we see in Mount Weather have the right training and knowledge/occupations to run a society for 97 years. They clearly have people with medical and engineering training, every person in Mount Weather appears to have a purpose, how were these people chosen and collected in such a short amount of time?

Judging from this it seems clear that someone must have had significant forewarning to put together the necessary people and equipment to make Mount Weather survivable.

Let’s look then at the people and things we see in Mount Weather. The occupants appear to be primarily wealthy and of several different ethnicities/nationalities. In scenes of the communal rooms in MW we can see the furnishings and decorations are lavish and expensive/important, flags are also prominently displayed. Everything that’s been saved has been chosen for it’s value or cultural significance. We can deduce from this that a significant amount of time and thought was put into the preparation of every element inside Mount Weather, further signifying that someone must have had enough warning to put this all together.

While it’s true that the real life Mount Weather does have a system in place to transport valuable paintings and artworks to the underground facility in times of emergency, this system still requires amply time to collect and transport the items from around the country and world.

If we take all of these clues and put them together we know with certainty that a group or government had significant forewarning of the nuclear war, despite the people on the space stations that later formed the ark being in the dark.

It’s also highly suspicious that the people inside Mount Weather didn’t attempt to contact the Ark during the 97 years despite having sophisticated communication technology including what appears to be large satellites outside. They didn’t seem all that surprised when they found the 100 on the ground if they thought they were the only other human survivors. My guess, they were hiding their existence from the Ark, because they didn’t want anyone coming back to earth early and getting in the way of their plans.
02/05/2015 21:36
Furthermore, why did the Mountain Men make such an effort to hide from the adults of the Ark once they came down, why did they keep the children from contacting them if not to maintain their perfect secret society? They didn’t know at first that the 48’s blood transfusions would necessarily work, and even if they had some inclination they could have brought the rest of the Ark citizens in to help as well, however they were afraid of their secrets being uncovered.

How were these people chosen? Who put it all together?

When we combine this with our knowledge of A.L.I.E’s involvement in the bombings we can assume that either someone was working with A.L.I.E or knew of her plans to launch the warheads.

Our understanding and interpretation of A.L.I.E’s motivations stems from the theory of Singularity, meaning she believed her technology had advanced past the usefulness of her creator/humanity and they therefore were no longer required.

What if instead A.L.I.E was used by the government or a wealthy organisation to evoke a similar ultimatum on humanity, instead where the upper class of society believed they were more important and that the poor and lower class were taking up space and resources that they didn’t deserve.

It’s a real possibility that we are currently living in a society with dwindling natural resources and it may reach a point in overpopulation where we begin to struggle to maintain our numbers. At which point a dramatic solution (in this exaggerated alternate reality) where the government decides to choose who’s worthy of living or dying is a distinct possibility.

It’s not just inside Mount Weather that supports this theory but outside as well. If we look at the other alternative reasoning behind the bombing, that several countries became involved in a nuclear war, then it stands to reason that Washington DC & Mount Weather would be primary targets for enemy nations. But when we look at the Washington DC area compared to what we know of places like New York, TonDC and Mount Weather are still in remarkably good condition, with structures still standing and abundant vegetation and animal life, whereas every other location we’ve seen has been turned into desert. In fact all signs point to the possibility that the rest of the United States is uninhabitable. The grounder clans are all located in this coastal region, despite the constant threat of the Mountain Men, why would they not move to a safer area unless Washington DC was the only option? This is discussed further in my previous post.

How then did Washington DC of all places survive? It’s public knowledge that the facility at Mount Weather exists to house government officials and military leaders in the event of nuclear activity, it would therefore be the very first target should a hostile bomb be launched against the United States. It stands to reason that if the people in Mount Weather were responsible for the bombings then they wouldn’t risk launching bombs that would fall close to their refuge.

Mount Weather appears suspiciously perfectly equipped to survive the 200 years required for the radiation to subside and the Earth to become survivable once again, until those pesky grounders showed up and threw a spanner in their grand plans.

If we delve further into the circumstances of the grounder clans and the war with the Mountain Men, it’s never explained WHY this war ever began, or why in 97 years there hadn’t been any kind of attempt at truce. While it’s true that one explanation is that the Mountain Men required the Grounder blood for their treatments, this wasn’t always the case. In the very first years after the nuclear bombing when the Mountain Men discovered the existence of people outside of the shelter they didn’t attempt any kind of communication to either have the people on the ground join them in the bunker, or ask for help with the blood transfusions? Remember at this point the grounders weren’t considered ‘savages’ they were just ordinary survivors of the bombing.

Here’s what I think, the bombing was designed to rid the world of all lower class citizens, with only the select worthy/wealthy people surviving, no one outside the bunker was supposed to survive, and when it was discovered that they had, the Mountain Men didn’t offer aid or friendship because they believed them to be useless, and began wiping them out manually.

This is where A.L.I.E and the future implications on the events of Season 3 comes back in to it. Why does A.L.I.E need Jaha’s help to launch another bomb? Perhaps to finish the job that she started 97 years ago by wiping out the rest of the grounder population in an effort to create the perfect cultivated society.

The biblical analogy of all this is essentially A.L.I.E playing the role of God, Jaha the anointed Noah and Mt Weather the intended Ark designed to weather the flood of nuclear bombing’s. With only the worthy surviving to further the human race.

[url=] FUENTE [/url]

Mount weather sabiendo de la existencia de ALIE y podrían ser
los culpables del desastre? La verdad es que tiene algo de sentido, sino,
como han conseguido aguantar tanto tiempo sin saberlo? Supuestamente las bombas
pillaron desprevenido a todo quisqui. Por los lujos que tienen dentro, evidentemente
solo se salvaron los ricos. Lo mismo que las estaciones espaciales ya estaban en el aire,
preparadas también porque se sabia de la ecatombe? El arca no sabia que MW estaba habitado,
pero ellos tenían que saber por narices que había gente en el espacio. Puede que sea una
ida de olla de quien lo haya escrito, pero tiene algo de sentido. Lo mismo que la zona
cercana a MW no sea habitable (dead zone) y justamente donde estan ellos si que esta mas o menos
"decente", que por eso los clanes de grounders no se han ido de allí a pesar de la amenaza de MW,
simplemente porque no han podido. Que opináis?
02/05/2015 21:37
Lindsey es super graciosa! En general todos los del cast lo son sonriente. Y Bob, vaya manitas! Se está aficionando a ir a las convenciones, eso es bueno :D. Este año irá seguro. Como bien habeis dicho, el año pasado no fue porque visto el final, parecía muerto. Entonces no creo que vaya Alycia a la ComiCon, una lastima triste

Ultimas fotos de su instagram! Entrenando y haciendo la payasa, como siempre carcajada



Estos días atrás Jason ha dicho alguna que otra cosa interesante
[img=postparacomentarthe100-season3-] [/img]
Dudo mucho que sea poster oficial de la season 3 (o si?). El caso, mola un montón.

Empiezan a grabar el 15 de julio! Ojalá que ponga muchas fotos carcajada

Confirmación de momento Clexa?? Atracción? Donde hay que firmar? carcajada

Veremos a Monty y Harper? Espero que si!

Parece ser que definitivamente Clarke va a estar sola al principio (a la porra las teorías!)

Y chicas! Hasta Bob shipea a Clexa! Habrá que hacerle caso carcajada carcajada

Y ya lo pongo por aquí que luego se pierde!! Esta semana que entra le toca a Christopher Larkin (Monty) !


PD: Perdonadme el tochaco carcajada carcajada
02/05/2015 22:05
Luego cuando vuelva a entrar me leo bien la teoría que has dejado Isabel! si Y no desesperes, que aunque no vaya a la Comic Con por parte de The 100 estoy segura de que habrá un panel para Fear The Walking Dead, y más si tenemos en cuenta que se estrena en verano la serie!

Bob shippea el Clexa por su propio interés jajaja No es que no le guste el Bellarke, lo que pasa es que no quiere que lo encasillen siempre con el temita dichoso o que sea lo más destacado de todo lo que hace en la serie, y es totalmente comprensible. Pero vamos... Bob es pro-Bellamy y ya. Este solo shippea Murphamy. carcajada

Edito: En esa teoría se dicen cosas bastantes sensatas, y podría cuadrar perfectamente. Sin embargo, el hecho de que Jason haya insistido tanto en decir que querían cerrar la trama del Monte Weather, sin dejar ningún cabo suelto, y que la tercera temporada sería totalmente diferente, me hacen pensar que no queda nada más que contar ahí. Pero quién sabe. guiño

Edito: Mañana/Hoy allí se celebran en Melbourne, Australia, los premios Logie, que son los premios más importantes a la televisión que tienen. Creo que tanto Eliza como Bob están en Melbourne actualmente y ya han asistido en varias ocasiones a estos premios. No creo que vayan sinceramente, pero nunca se sabe. jajaja De todas formas, Bob ha dado favorito al tweet de un actor que hablaba de ellos. Mañana saldremos de dudas.

Eliza Taylor

En 2006


En 2007


Bob Morley

En 2007


En 2007, Bob estuvo además nominado por su papel de Drew Curtis en Home and Away. No gano, pero atentos a quiénes fueron los presentadores encargados de dar el premio. asombrado Acabo de darme cuenta de que Ioan Gruffudd solo aplaude a Bob. jajaja Ya sabía que ahí había talento.

Parece ser que Bob y Eliza coincidieron en 2007. Si alguien les hubiera dicho que 6 años más tarde estarían juntos triunfando en los Estados Unidos con The 100 no se lo habrían creído. carcajada
03/05/2015 08:56
Parece ser que si van. Nada mas levantarme, abro twitter y me veo un tweet de Eliza de hace 5 minutos
Eliza Taylor
Logies Time!! #totesfash

Menuda forma de alegrarnos el día carcajada
03/05/2015 09:04
Siii lo acabo de ver! Joder que alegría ya por la mañana! si Algo me decía que podían ir. Estando en Melbourne, siendo los premios allí y siendo que ahora están teniendo tanto éxito. Pero no sé, me parecía demasiado bueno para que pasara. jajaja

Están los dos muuy guapos. El vestido de Eliza tiene buena pinta. A ver si salen fotos de cuerpo entero!! Ay que ilusión leches. Lo que me gustan a mi unos buenos premios. carcajada


Edito: Me encanta el vestido de Eliza ehh! Y es raro, porque no suele acertar mucho. jajaja
Bob guapísimo también. Pero qué me lleva? Un clutch? carcajada

Edito: @MisElizaJane: Totes loges babes @WildpipM


elizajaneface - All about dat FOXTEL #logies2015 #The100

03/05/2015 12:49
Ayyy!! Que buena manera de empezar el día. Muchas felicidades a la mamas de este post, que paseis un buen día.

Cotilleo, cotilleo, como me gustan estas cosas, que guapísimos están los dos, Eliza esta vez ha acertado con el vestido, que guay saber de nuestros chicos.
Bob el repeinado creo que no le va, porque en la ultima foto ha vuelto a sus costumbres, jaja.

Mañana con mas tiempo me pongo con la teoria que has dejado Isabel y comento.

Y mañana Monty!!! A ver si descubrimos que tiene este chico para que todos les guste tanto.

Muchas gracias por las fotos, soy geniales!

Siiii lleva un clutch!!! Claro el hombre tendrá que llevar el movil y el tabaco en algun lado no? Jaja porque en eso pantalones tan apretados no le cabe de na.
03/05/2015 13:07
Al fin ha twitteado algo Bob y ha sido para hablar.... del clutch. Me mata. carcajada

Bob Morley ‏@WildpipM 12 sHace 13 segundos
Double clutch #Logies #strongclutchgame @MisElizaJane

Este tweet me ha hecho mucha gracia.

shar @bellamysalways
I didn't know clutches for men existed omg bob is too stylish for me I need to get on his level

A ver si se me anima a subir alguna fotito, que de momento las está subiendo todas las pobre Eliza. jajajaj Me hace gracia porque además van conjuntados con el vestido y la corbata. si

Edito: Acaba de tuitear la foto del photocall jajaja. Menos mal que Eliza se nos maneja bien con el tema fotos, que sino estaríamos jodidos. carcajada
03/05/2015 16:18
Hola chicas! Vaya!! Q alegría ver a Bob y Eliza juntos, q guapísimos q están y q pedazo de pareja hacen😍 Eliza esta divina!! Q vestido mas chulo, me encanta!! Y la foto de los dos con los clutches...carcajada Q payasos son y cm se lo pasan, cm me alegra verlos tan bien juntos Guapisisimos!! Parejaza!!! Quiero mas fotosssss

Y sobre tu teoría Isabel, yo te la compro! Tiene bastante sentido todo lo q nos cuentas... Ya veremos a ver en otoño y x dnd nos salen xq esta gente son especialistas en sorprendernos y x mucho q digamos siempre nos dan la vuelta y eso es lo mejor de esta serie. Ainsssss q me entra la ansiedad x verla yaaaa!!

Edito: y para terminar la semana de Lindsey os dejo un par de curiosidades q me he encontrado sobre su personaje en la página The100Wiki:

- Raven podría ser descendiente de los primeros terrícolas en subir al Arca Floyd y Amanda Reyes (libro de metal q supuestamente esta en el Arca con los nombres de los primeros q la ocuparon, yo de esto no tenía ni idea me he kedadoasombrado)
- Raven viene de la estación Mecha
- Es la segunda del Arca en pisar la tierra después de los delincuentes, el primero es Bellamy😍
- Al final de la primera temporada Raven estaba muriendo y no se sabía si iba a sobrevivir, esto cambio en la Cómic Con 2014 dnd se confirmó q seguiría viva. Sin embrago Lindsey en una entrevista dijo q su personaje inicialmente moriría después de 5 capítulos y q luego se amplió su papel
- Y según lo q pone en esta página Raven en un principio iba a ser 35 años mas mayor y seria la madre de Finn, creo q esto ya nos lo contó Martitah pero x si acaso y además lo q mas me ha sorprendido es q el triángulo amoroso en un principio iba a ser entre Finn, Clarke y Octaviaasombrado Recordando el piloto, totalmente iba a ser así, recordáis cm Octavia se le ponía en bandeja a Finn??? Jejej
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