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Post Ian Somerhalder: Our Captain Planet

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17/06/2014 21:56
He pensado que con motivo del nombramiento de Ian como Embajador de la Buena Voluntad de la ONU se merecía un post propio, para ir colgando todas las noticias que tengan relación con él, su vida, sus proyectos y sus trabajos. Porque es mucho más que una cara bonita (por muy bonita que sea xD) me gustaría que este post se dedicara, no sólo a su vida personal, sino, en gran parte, a su vida profesional y su labor filantrópica, aunque esto no quiere decir que no podamos deleitarnos con sus mejores fotos ¡eh! carcajada

Al igual que en mis otros posts, lo único que pido es respeto, a la hora de comentar y hacia las opiniones de los demás. Todo el mundo es libre de pensar como quiere, obviamente, y todas las opiniones serán bien recibidas si están bien expresadas.

Dicho esto, espero que este post sea un punto de encuentro para disfrutar y hablar de Ian, para todas aquellas personas que adoramos a Smolder no sólo por su belleza, por supuesto, sino sobretodo por su gran talento como actor y lo increíble que nos parece como persona, por lo solidario, preocupado y entregado que es. Para mi Ian es mi ídolo así que os invito a que os unáis a mi en este post para poder compartir información y comentar sobre él.

¡¡Sed bienvenid@s!!

30/11/2016 20:51
Pues si la semana pasada era Lindsey la que anunciaba su futura maternidad, esta semana es Bryn el que anuncia que se casa
Y aquí los comentarios de Ian(y el chico de debajo que madre mía jajaj)
Esta noche se emite en USA el capítulo de Nikki de YOLD
Y varias BTS a lo largo de los años posteadas por Andi Behring
01/12/2016 20:43
TBT TVD 8x04
02/12/2016 20:45
Ian en Instagram(¿soy yo la única que ve a este hombre en política?)
Y en Facebook
Capturas de una nueva entrevista..parece que Damon vuelve a usar la camisa negra bravobravo
04/12/2016 14:21
Fotitos del evento por el sexto aniversario de ISF:






04/12/2016 18:25
que guapossss bravobravo
Me ha gustado especialmente esta:
Más fotos
Nueva foto del reportaje de Angeleno Mag
04/12/2016 20:45

Karolina Kurkova ?@karolinakurkova
Such a beautiful couple inside and out! Thank you @iansomerhalder and @NikkiReed_I_Am for all your hard work helping animals and our youth!


Nikki en IG:
What a truly spectacular evening introducing @IS_Foundation to such a wonderful group of people in the beautiful city of Chicago. Graziela you moved mountains to make this happen. As I said last night, you have my heart...forever. You, my sister, are the real deal and anyone who knows you knows what I mean. You don't take no for an answer, and you fight fiercely for what you believe in, all with a smile on your face and love in your heart. I can't believe all of this started from a phone call between two animal lovers talking pit bull rescue and "foster failures". So much went into this event, and we are forever grateful. A HUGE thank you to @karolinakurkova , @grazielagems , our incredible ISF team and fellow compassionate Chicagoans for a night of raising awareness on the importance of guiding our youth in a direction that leads to the betterment of this beautiful planet, while saving as many animals as we can :). And Gra, thank you for believing in ISF, and giving so much of yourself to make this world a better place. We love you. Nikki+Ian

Graziela en IG (otra a la que también le ha encantado esta foto xD)
grazielagems #aboutlastnight: @iansomerhalder and @iamnikkireed, together we can change the world! Thank you for all you do. Here's to the first and many @isfofficial Chicago events to come! #isf #graziela4isf #isfoundation #animaladvocate #environmentalprotection
05/12/2016 17:49


Y al parecer Bryn ya es un hombre casado. Y eso que ni sabía que había empezado a salir con esta chica...
lagunero negro
lagunero negro
05/12/2016 18:16
Hola holita vecinitas!!!! Aqui de vuelta por estos lares, enganchadisimo a la serie y muy contento de ver que seguis al pie del cañon. Contad conmigo de vuelta!!!
05/12/2016 19:07
Welcome back!!

lagunero negro
lagunero negro
05/12/2016 19:11
Hola Marta muchas gracias. Que buenas fotos!!!XD
05/12/2016 21:01
Bienvenido de vuelta sonriente
Yo si sabía que Brynn lo había dejado con Dawn, pero tampoco sabía que tenía otra novia, y ya lo tenemos casado jaja
Estas fotos no sé si estarán
Parece que Ian ha empezado a seguir en Instagram a Leonardo Di Caprio
Del Insta de Nikki
A true victory at Standing Rock, but the work is not over for the Water Protectors! To keep supporting their efforts, today I am offering one of my favorites, an elephant bracelet (of turquoise and diamonds) up for auction! Elephants are such sacred creatures, I have kept them close to my heart since I was a child.
100% of the highest bid will go directly to the people of this good fight! Go to @tribedemama to bid while also becoming part of this important movement! "This is a victory for organizing, and it doesn't stop now. We are asking our supporters to keep up the pressure, because while President Obama has granted us a victory today, that victory isn't guaranteed in the next administration. More threats are likely in the year to come, and we cannot stop until this pipeline is completely and utterly defeated, and our water and climate are safe."
lagunero negro
lagunero negro
06/12/2016 12:14
"Parece que Ian ha empezado a seguir en Instagram a Leonardo Di Caprio"

Me pega una amistad ahi, porque ambos tienen una faceta ecologista en comun.
06/12/2016 20:52
Es una de las amistades que sueñan en Twitter verdad es que les una la misma pasión por la naturaleza, y su compromiso con el medio ambiente.
Una foto más del sábado
Y entrevista. Ian interviene a partir del minuto 2.16

Y lo que dice Karolina Kurkova de Ian
Entrevista del Vanity Fair:
Ian Somerhalder on His Producing Plans, ‘The Vampire Diaries’ Finale & Nina Dobrev’s Return
“I’ve never been busier in my life,” says Ian Somerhalder. Even though his hit series “The Vampire Diaries” is wrapping its run after eight seasons, he’s making a plan for his future as a producer, with a new deal with Warner Bros TV with his wife, Nikki Reed. And then there’s his passion project: his commitment to environmental causes, through his eponymous foundation.

You just announced a pod deal with Warner Bros. TV. What kind of shows do you want to make?

All kinds of shows — scripted, unscripted, drama, comedy, docuseries, digital, all of it. The reality of it is telling good stories. Really good stories. That’s really all we want to do. Fortunately I’ve been able to work with some of the most incredible talent in this business. It’s unbelievable what I’ve learned. I understand how to make things from the ground up. I’ve come out of this not only with a new wife and this life and this family and eight years under my belt, but I also have lifelong friendships and a vast amount of knowledge that I can now take into my life and my career. And that is invaluable. That changes your whole world. I’m excited to take the stuff that I’ve learned and use it as applied science. It’s exciting when you walk into a room or walk on a set and experience a problem that you possess the tools to find solutions effectively and economically.

You’re incredibly active on social media. What advantages do you see to it?

I have a very profound and distinct appreciation for social media. I also have a very profound and deep concern for social media. It is an amazing way to transfer information, to create engagement and social change. It has the ability to change the world, and it has. Look at Egypt and the Middle East. But then there’s the flip side of it. I think social media keeps us in a constant state of want, which I think is very, very dangerous. Because that yields unhappiness. It’s about time to harness social media and teach our young people that it doesn’t hold as much weight as we think it does. What Nikki and I are hoping to do with the studio is to really build great storytelling, great content but without bludgeoning people over the head. Find really great ways of displaying socially relevant, impactful messaging within that type of storytelling. It’s time for us to start counteracting what’s happening with mass media. And start allowing people to feel a little bit better about themselves. I’m really focused on creating this next generation to be the most innovative, compassionate and grateful group of people the world has ever seen.

You’re also a correspondent for the docuseries “Years of Living Dangerously.” Why is that so important to you?

Our greatest challenge of humanity is climate disruption. Whether you want to believe it or not, it’s happening. You’re going to feel it. I personally feel that being involved with “Years” has been the single most important part of my professional life at this point. One of the amazing reasons that the first season has been so successful and that I’m really grateful to David Nevins and Showtime is that they took a big risk. Social media was a gigantic component of that success. The people who follow me rallied and really got behind the show.

Will you be making series that address the climate issue?

Absolutely. That’s something that we have in the works right now. I’m ecstatic to explore it. My dream as a kid was to be working as a scientist or on a Nat Geo expedition. I got to do that. And I’ve never been the same as a result. I’m so thankful that Nat Geo has us now. This is very much where I want to put a ton of our focus. This is very much on the top of our slate list. There’s more to come.

“The Vampire Diaries” is ending after eight seasons. How hard will it be to say goodbye?

You want things to end on a good note. We really had an amazing run. It’s just time. All good things must come to an end. The real beauty of it is that it doesn’t actually come to an end. There’s iTunes and Google play and Amazon and Netflix and Hulu. We have these incredible outlets where media just lives on. New viewership comes into the fold. It’s the gift that keeps on giving.

What can you reveal about the “Vampire Diaries” finale?

Three-part answer: No f–king clue. I have no clue. I’ve called Kevin [Williamson] and Julie [Plec, co-creators] five times last week to find out and understand what’s going on. They’re very tight-lipped about it. I don’t blame them.

What would you like to see in the finale?

Paul [Wesley] and I talk about this all the time. Damon’s 174 years old and in love with an 18-year-old. It’s the most unbelievable example of robbing the cradle, first of all. Secondly, these boys, they came into this town, they wreaked havoc, they ruined lives. Honestly, I think the best thing for Mystic Falls would be for these guys and all of these vampires and witches to just go away. Let Elena wake up and have these boys gone and never know any of this happened. A phenomenal, go humanity thing would be where these creatures don’t win. We would love to see the two boys go down to the Caribbean somewhere and sit on a beach drinking some 60-year-old Caribbean rum, and as the sun comes up, just toast each other, give each other a hug, and take off their rings and throw them into the sea and let them just poof — turn into ash. I’ve created so much death and so much violence on this show that I think it would be such an amazing win for humanity if Damon and Stefan just went bye-bye. Let’s hope it happens.

Will Nina Dobrev be back?

I don’t know. I have zero idea. As a producer, I do have a lot of information and then there’s a lot of information I don’t have. I want the audience to be happy, but I also am very pro human. I don’t think these guys should have the ability to wreak havoc, kill everybody, ruin the lives of so many and then get out with a happy ending. I think the happy ending is that we got to go on this amazing ride with these two guys. They’ve lived long enough.
07/12/2016 20:49
lagunero negro
lagunero negro
07/12/2016 22:17
Joder Ian, que duro con Damon y Stefan... yo discrepo con el, espero un buen final para ellos. Morir seria terrible... sobretodo para mi corazón delena, jo.XD

En cuanto a sus posibilidades como productor, lo de Warner suena fantástico. Me encanta que siga participando en actos de la ISF y tratando de aportar su granito de arena. Artista comprometido.
08/12/2016 20:56
Yo tampoco quiero que mueran ninguno de los dos(sobre todo porque después de la muerte de Boone Carlyle en Lost este hombre me ha creado un trauma terrible jaja)y no me parece que la Plec le vaya a dar ese gusto(afortunadamente)
Esta imagen promocional le ha quedado finisima oyes carcajadacarcajada
Pues hemos llegado a ese día del año. Hoy Ian cumple 38 años.
Esta la posteó ayer él en Instagram
Y este comentario
Felicitación de Josh Holloway
Y como lo mejor siempre se deja para el final, la felicitación de Nikki
Y por cierto, el osito marrón está presente en ambas fotos jaja
lagunero negro
lagunero negro
08/12/2016 21:40
38 años ya de nuestro Smolder!!!!!!!!!! Que bien los lleva el jodio, se nota que es vampiro.XD
08/12/2016 22:04
Awwww... Ian de bebé era super mono

Nikki siempre nos sorprende con las mejores felicitaciones y mejores palabras para Ian bravobravo Además de revelarnos secretitos como que ambos son un poco desastres cuando se trata de mantener la casa limpia jajaja

fiesta fiesta FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS, IAN!!! fiesta fiesta

Wishing our #YEARSproject correspondent @iansomerhalder, the happiest of birthdays! Thx for all your work & passion to combat climate change


The Vampire Diaries ?@cwtvd
Sell your soul to the birthday boy @iansomerhalder today. Catch up on the latest #TVD:


Unlikely Heroes ?@UHeroes
Happy Birthday to one of our favorite heroes @iansomerhalder! Thank you & @NikkiReed_I_Am for your passion for people. #herostatus


Julie Plec ?@julieplec
Happy birthday to the beautiful heart that beats inside the body of @iansomerhalder.

Ian en IG:
iansomerhalder Doing some final interviews about the last episode of #TVD right now. Wow. Thinking about the amazing past and wanting to THANK YOU so much for all the amazing birthday wishes!!! I am one lucky guy!!
Did you know ISF turns 6 years old today?! HAPPY BIRTHDAY @isfofficial That's right, December 8th is a big deal for me and for the ISF family as well!
Would you guys help us celebrate? It would mean the world to me and to all the incredible ISF supporters around the world, if you would consider making a birthday donation to ISF today.
Go to and donate what you can, or text THURSDAY to 80077 to make a one time $10 donation (terms: . Please don't forget to follow up with a YES!
Unable to donate? Please give ISF a follow. Help amplify our virtual voice!!!
AND, use Amazon Smile and choose the Ian Somerhalder Foundation as your favorite charity! It costs you nothing and you help support ISF!

Ian ha compartido en Facebook la felicitación de Nikki añadiendo esta nota:


Y nuestra Sheriff Forbes en Twitter:
Marguerite MacIntyre @Caryshotwife
Happy Birthday to one of fave partners in crime, @iansomerhalder. Lots of love, sweet Ian!!
09/12/2016 11:45
Phoebe ha compartido en IG un mini-vídeo de la fiesta de cumple de Ian. Aquí os dejo algunas capturas:


Y la nueva parejita de TVD, Nat y Zach, también estuvo allí

Y también Chris!!
lagunero negro
lagunero negro
09/12/2016 15:19
Ay nuestro Ian, que ha cumplido años con los suyos!!! Grande!!! Que cerca anda ya de los 40.

Zach es que no pierde el tiempo el jodio. Debe ser un hacha de mucho cuidado.XD

pd: muchas gracias por las fotos Marta
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