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Post Ian Somerhalder: Our Captain Planet

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17/06/2014 21:56
He pensado que con motivo del nombramiento de Ian como Embajador de la Buena Voluntad de la ONU se merecía un post propio, para ir colgando todas las noticias que tengan relación con él, su vida, sus proyectos y sus trabajos. Porque es mucho más que una cara bonita (por muy bonita que sea xD) me gustaría que este post se dedicara, no sólo a su vida personal, sino, en gran parte, a su vida profesional y su labor filantrópica, aunque esto no quiere decir que no podamos deleitarnos con sus mejores fotos ¡eh! carcajada

Al igual que en mis otros posts, lo único que pido es respeto, a la hora de comentar y hacia las opiniones de los demás. Todo el mundo es libre de pensar como quiere, obviamente, y todas las opiniones serán bien recibidas si están bien expresadas.

Dicho esto, espero que este post sea un punto de encuentro para disfrutar y hablar de Ian, para todas aquellas personas que adoramos a Smolder no sólo por su belleza, por supuesto, sino sobretodo por su gran talento como actor y lo increíble que nos parece como persona, por lo solidario, preocupado y entregado que es. Para mi Ian es mi ídolo así que os invito a que os unáis a mi en este post para poder compartir información y comentar sobre él.

¡¡Sed bienvenid@s!!

25/01/2016 14:17
Ian y Nikki se han unido a la "campaña" de este niño:



PD: ya se podrían haber hecho la foto en otro sitio que no fuera las escaleras... jajaj
25/01/2016 21:08
Pobre niñ triste y a la vez bonito que se esté haciendo todo lo posible para cumplirle este último deseo(también he visto en twitter fotos de Trevino, McQueen, James Woods)
La verdad que sí, jaja además las pintas son de domingueros totales carcajadacarcajada
Aparte de esto, he encontrado por twitter esta foto de Ian de pequeño y el niño de Hotel Transilvania, en plan parecidos razonables...
La verdad es a veces la gente es la leche, y el parecido es más que razonable, razonabilisimo carcajadacarcajada
26/01/2016 20:52
Del Set de hoy(a juzgar por la bufanda, menudo rasca debe de hacer en Atlanta jaja)
27/01/2016 21:05
Nueva foto de Ian detrás de las cámaras:
Que por cierto, también ha empleado la misma foto para su página de Facebook y en otro post de Instagram para recordarnos(muy insistentemente, por cierto carcajada)que el capítulo se emite el viernes.
Y nueva entrevista de Nikki
Nikki Reed on selfie culture
28/01/2016 16:46

28/01/2016 21:06
Awwww pero qué bonitoooo!
Del Insta de Nikki
Nikki Reed
Many of you have asked about how Freedom Of Animals came about. I did not start this line, I was approached by Morgan last April because she had been following my work with animals and the fact that I have been open about not eating meat or dairy for many years. She knew that I would greatly appreciate all she was doing to create a bag out of recycled material and all of her efforts to do something good in the world. She is an amazing woman with an amazing vision. Of course I wanted to be a part of it, because they are beautiful, she is beautiful, and I love the mentality that we can all be active participants in some capacity when it comes to new ways of thinking, or new ways of creating. Suddenly I was catapulted into this world of labels, and the polarity between meat eaters and vegans, when I was just a girl in the world who didn’t eat meat…I was simply trying to do my best to make a difference by doing what made sense for me, and decided to take on and shine a light on a beautiful bag line made out of recycled plastic to reduce the amount of waste and destruction and send a message to the fashion industry that we must create more options for people who are trying to make more eco friendly choices. I am now seeing first hand the challenges that arise when people try to do good in the world, as they are paralyzed by fear after being intimidated and told they're not doing “enough” so they do nothing at all. I, however, am not afraid. I am grateful for this because I think it has raised a very important question…and I would love to hear your thoughts. Why do we criticize each other so much? If we are trying to inspire people to adopt a certain way of thinking, how does it help to punish them for their efforts both small and large? I will tell you, it does the exact opposite. If you are mean spirited it will never encourage people to adopt your way of thinking, it will scare them away from even trying. It will make them feel defensive and helpless, and inevitably contribute even more damage to whatever you are so passionately fighting for. Meanness never gets us anywhere. It creates an even bigger divide. (Continued)
We could spend all of our energy picking each other apart or we can appreciate what efforts are being made in an attempt to encourage more. When will we start to be inclusive not exclusive? When will the victory come from actually saving more animals, and our planet, and helping each other, instead of being motivated by our own righteousness and desire to feel superior by looking down at those who haven't taken on “our exact way of thinking?” I will repeat, if you are mean spirited it will never encourage people to adopt your way of thinking, it will scare them away from even trying and inevitably contribute even more damage to whatever you are so passionately fighting for. I remember when I first gave up meat, I was very critical of those around me who didn't agree with my lifestyle. And it wasn’t until I came to my own peace with my choices, and felt secure in those choices, that I realized I was judging others out of insecurity. Similar to what children do, fighting for their own identity attempting to separate from their parents, I was marching and screaming at those who would listen until I realized that it only had the opposite effect. I am asking all of you to look at your own lives, and wonder what more you could do if you came from a place of love. Nine months ago, I was just a girl trying to do something good for the world by not eating meat, and making small choices that would hopefully help our planet. I was asked to support, and bring awareness to an amazing line of bags, that will hopefully bring awareness to our own ability as people to create something beautiful out of recycled materials. This isn’t about labels, this is about shining a light on an effort to create something sustainable and eco-friendly, with the potential to shatter this stupid line we have drawn to separate ourselves into groups. I have certainly learned a lot from this experience, and it has only motivated me to continue to be a voice for all of you who are trying your best, who do care, and who are doing what they can to make better choices for the world.
Sorry por el testamento, pero esta mujer escribe que da gusto...
Por cierto, la foto de Ian ya lleva más de 600.000 likes sisi
28/01/2016 21:14
Sí, Nikki escribe unas parrafadas de cuidado. Lo bueno es que siempre escribe muy bonito y lo hace más llevadero ajajaj

BTS de Ian en el 7x10:

Annie Wersching ‏@Wersching
Who's ready for an all new #TVD tomorrow night?! 🙋
An amazing unique script & great performance by @iansomerhalder 👏


Nueva entrevista a Ian, donde cada respuesta se resume en "Estoy super enamorado de mi mujer" jajaj

28/01/2016 22:35
Venía a poner lo mismo jaja
Pues sí, Martagh, se resume en esas tres palabras(lo del baile me ha llegado al alma carcajadacarcajada)
29/01/2016 19:53
Scarlett Byrne ‏@ScarleyByrne
Last night was a wrap on @iansomerhalder's ep! Had the best time with the cast & crew. All new @cwtvd tonight 8/7c⭐️



PD: ¿habéis visto ya el capítulo 7x10? Ian ha bordado el papel, vaya capitulazo ha hecho él solito!!!
29/01/2016 21:08
Sííí...lo he visto, Martagh, y de la actuación de Ian sólo puedo decir: me inclino ante vos señor
SPOILER (puntero encima para mostrar)

Y ahora...¿que?porque se ha montado él solito una masacre...y me parece que eso no es una alucinación...Y tal parece que ha Bonnie la ha matado asombrado

Si esto no fuera una serie para adolescentes, y no estuviera viviendo ya sus últimos coletazos, la interpretación en este capítulo sería digna de todos los premios...
Del insta de Todd J. Lassance(Julian)
So in honor of the VAMPIRE DIARIES returning tonight...We went to the forest, and started a boyband
30/01/2016 21:52
Del Twitter de Annie Wersching
Oh my head and heart
BTS del capítulo de ayer
Y del Twitter de Ian Somerhalder
Live from Damon Salvatore's car on the set 7:52 PM
Por cierto, que Rottentomatoes, una página en la que puntúan las series no solo críticos sino también espectadores, le han dado a TVD un 8 sobre 10, algo que no sucedía desde la T2bravo...ahora sólo falta que acompañen un poco los ratings(pido demasiado, lo sé)
31/01/2016 20:57
A falta de noticias nuevas, vuelvo a traer la foto del caballo, que efectivamente es nuevo, y ha recibido el "normalito" nombre de Joe carcajadacarcajada
01/02/2016 14:30
Wow, la hermana de Ian está muy molesta con Kim... Y madre mía si ha explotado la mujer

Robyn Somerhalder ‏@Robynsome

A letter from the heart @kimodo007

A letter to Kim. It is with a frustrated and fed up heart that I write this. This is extremely difficult for me, as I tend to stay away from the drama and like to keep family matters private, but at this point I have no other way to let the truth be known other than through a social medium. What you are doing is wrong and it's time for you to stop. There needs to be an end to you're bullying and passive aggressive behavior. You claim to be so vehemently against these behaviors, yet you keep perpetuating false truths and blatant lies. Kim, you have never been a part of our family or close to me, as you claim to be and to say otherwise is a lie. In fact, the opposite could be said, you've done nothing but driven a wedge between my family for the past 5 years. During that time you have spent an incredible amount of energy in an attempt to ruin Ian and Nina's relationship because of your disdain for her, yet now, you give the impression of being Nina's biggest fan. You're manipulating young fans and it's it not acceptable, it's sickening. The messages you put out don't reflect the truth. It's rather simple, the spewing of inanities and passive aggressive behavior needs to stop. The amount of energy spend on your divisiveness could be so much better spent elsewhere. As you said to someone, "go spend time with loved ones, read, laugh", that sounds good me. Maybe you should do the same. You've misled ISF team members and supporters to believe you were close with Ian's family, but you were lying then as you're lying now. You tirelessly tried to rid Nikki from Ian's life from the very beginning and your question to his team, "What is our strategy going to be?" didn't go over very well this time, as he asked her to be his wife and the plan backfired. To take it one step further, the scathing article that was recently written about her is rather conspicuous, as you are good friends with the author and publishers, who you also have a working relationship with. You comment saying you won't condone the name calling or insulting behavior, yet this is the exact behavior you've been displaying, albeit indirectly. It's time to move on and actually start believing in the quotes that you post. I'll leave you with a couple that I think are a nice place to start, "We are responsible for our own happiness and misery" and "You know you are on the right track when you become uninterested in looking back." Stop looking back Kim. Be well. FYI-The entire family knows EVERYTHING...

Robyn Somerhalder ‏@Robynsome
You guys know that I don't post much, but my last post is from the heart and is something that has needed to be made known to you all...

I would've kept it private, she blocked me when i didn't even follow, so no private message.Would've called, but no #. No address either...

Yes,Nina should be left out of it& her fans shouldn't be manipulated for someone else's personal gain.It's sad to see,that's all I'm saying

It was getting out of hand and needs to end. All I'm asking is for the bullshit to stop. I'm sorry to be lacking in the integrity dept...

Si todo esto ocurrió tal cual dice Robyn se "entiende" el cabreo de Nina al romper con Ian porque él no la eligió cuando Kim le hizo "elegir" entre ISF y Nina. Y también sería el motivo por el cual Ian se propuso a Nikki, porque le estaba eligiendo a ella frente a ISF y demás

PD: Nikki va a salir hoy en The talk, así que caerá preguntita sobre Ian fijo jajaj
01/02/2016 19:25
Trailer de 'A SUNDAY HORSE'

Foto de Nikki:

kdeenihan Breakfast club @iamnikkireed @bridgetbragerhair @ashmokma

Ha sido una entrevista muy corta en The Talk y básicamente ha sido hablar de Ian nada más entrar por la puerta (Nikki dijo que se le hacía raro ver a las presentadoras del programa sin que estuviese Ian allí sentado con ellas jaja), poner un clip de Sleepy Hollow y recordar Twilight. Lo único ha destacar ha sido cuando le han preguntado a Nikki si va ha hacer una versión de dirty dancing con Ian jajaj Le han puesto las fotos del finde con Chris Wood y Jackson Rathbone en el lago y ha dicho que estaba entrenando para hacerlo con Ian jajaj Por favor, quiero foto de eso cuando pase. Aunque creo recordar que también dijo algo de que entrenaban en casa eso. Habría que verlos. Al final va a ser verdad lo que decía Ian de que se pasaban el día bailando en casa xDD


The Talk ‏@TheTalkCBS
So much fun to talk @SleepyHollowFOX, @Twilight & @IanSomerhalder with the lovely @NikkiReed_I_Am today!

01/02/2016 21:14
Viiiirgen de hermana de Ian estaba cabreadísima con esta moza...Tenía que estar súper harta para estallar así...madre mía....Y el caso es que parece que Kim ha respondido defendiéndose porque entiende que se la ha responsabilizado de la ruptura de Ian y Nina
El trailer tiene buena pinta, lo que pasa es que es un argumento tan manido que tal vez aquí no llegue a los cines y se quede en peli para televisión
Nuevas fotos de Nikki en The Talk(no me gusta ese look abuelil)
¿De verdad ha dicho esto?carcajadacarcajada

Delena ಌ

Pues sí, parece que sí
01/02/2016 21:20
Ya van saliendo vídeos de la entrevista

Julie Chen ‏@JulieChen
The fabulous @NikkiReed_I_Am from #SleepyHollow, so great to have you at the table!

La última vez que Ian fue a The Talk, Nikki le acompañó y echó fotos del programa jajaj Cómo se fangirlean estos dos


Nikki en Access Hollywood

Y vídeo:

En este último vídeo se ve lo orgulloso que está de sus hermanos y eso es precioso, me encanta esa relación que tiene con su familia

Entrevista completa en The Talk:

01/02/2016 22:32
Desde luego...estos dos...entre las fotos que tiene ella de él y las que tiene el de ella...que no les roben el móvil porque debe haber material ahí de alto voltaje carcajadacarcajada
En la de Access hay una cosa que no he entendido del todo bien ¿el entrevistador le pregunta si Ian le habla a los caballos?
01/02/2016 22:34
Madre mía, no había visto la respuesta de Kim a Robyn...

Kim Klingler · @kimodo007

I want to take a moment to respond to some accusations publicly addressed to me, after which I don’t plan to entertain this slander any further. To suggest that I had something to do with anyone's break up is irresponsible, untrue and defamatory. I respect and have enjoyed watching Nina Dobrev grow through her adventurous spirit in life. To me, she embodies a lot of the "live life" principles I relate to and can respect. Bringing her into this nonsense only speaks volumes and it is my wish that she may find the freedom from it as much as I wish freedom from it.

My blogs aren't about actors, characters, or people (unless specified that they are), shipping, teams, sides, labels, or camps. My blogs are about change, ideas and causes affecting humanity. I'm not writing for fans; for that you can visit just jared, celebrity laundry, TMZ, fandom groups, and you can easily access these sites by doing a simple search for your desires. I am not manipulating young fans. I do however have an interest in engaging advocates, activists and fellow changes makers with broader conversations and diversity of thought. My blog and my thoughts expressed there are not directed to "fans” and are not about specific people. They are however about things I have learned, things that motivate me, or confuse me and are predominately inspired by questions posed. In this same spirit, I often post quotes that reflect how I feel at any given time, and if you connect those posts to someone specific, that’s a reflection of how YOU feel.

I will clearly share that I have never met or emailed the author of the recent article published, nor did I have ANY communication with the publisher or ANY communication with anyone about the creation, generation or anything to do with it. People have opinions, thoughts and ideas, even ethics or principles that are their own and not at all “manipulated” by me—it's novel I know. That article was sent to me quite quickly after it went out, and my comment posted directly on that article was in support of nonjudgmental dialogue and asserted that no one should shame or judge anyone and that this behavior is exactly what holds us all back from positive world change. I have never said to anyone I was close to any family other than my own. These accusations are untrue and are exactly what continues to fuel unnecessary “feuds” and he said/she-said behavior. I want no part of this behavior and have done my best to unfollow, unfriend, and block anyone who engages in it.

If you are interested in this type of nonsense, please unfollow, block and/or unfriend me. I will not be upset, hurt, or remotely impacted. I am more motivated today than yesterday to pursue change and engage youth in taking action to improve the world. I will continue to open dialogues about topics that either intrigue me, inspire me, scare me, concern me or motivate me. If you wish to focus on people, camps, gossip, and unfounded accusations you are more than welcome to do so. I will simply no longer be engaging with any aspect of it, as it only adds to the behavior I don't want to see.

EDITO: sí el que encuentre el móvil perdido se forra vendiendo las fotos en internet ajajaja La pregunta de susurrar a los caballos era en plan coña, pero sí, lo ha preguntado xDD
02/02/2016 22:28
Y ya cambiando a temas más agradables parece que Nikki ha estado haciendo un Photoshoot en LA(por cierto...¿no habían hecho Ian y Nikki uno conjunto hace tiempo y de él nunca más se supo o estoy yo muy equivocada?)
No había visto estas fotos de Ian antes
Lo de las fotos: Ya te digo...y eso las fotos que vemos que son públicas...las privadas...más les vale no perder el movil, no(especialmente Ian carcajada)
02/02/2016 23:25
Ese photoshoot que hicieron los dos juntos fue de antes incluso de la boda y se hace de rogar muuuucho. Y la de ellos con las mascotas no es porque en esas fotos llevaban las alianzas... A saber dónde andarán las fotos jajaja
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