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Post Ian Somerhalder: Our Captain Planet

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17/06/2014 21:56
He pensado que con motivo del nombramiento de Ian como Embajador de la Buena Voluntad de la ONU se merecía un post propio, para ir colgando todas las noticias que tengan relación con él, su vida, sus proyectos y sus trabajos. Porque es mucho más que una cara bonita (por muy bonita que sea xD) me gustaría que este post se dedicara, no sólo a su vida personal, sino, en gran parte, a su vida profesional y su labor filantrópica, aunque esto no quiere decir que no podamos deleitarnos con sus mejores fotos ¡eh! carcajada

Al igual que en mis otros posts, lo único que pido es respeto, a la hora de comentar y hacia las opiniones de los demás. Todo el mundo es libre de pensar como quiere, obviamente, y todas las opiniones serán bien recibidas si están bien expresadas.

Dicho esto, espero que este post sea un punto de encuentro para disfrutar y hablar de Ian, para todas aquellas personas que adoramos a Smolder no sólo por su belleza, por supuesto, sino sobretodo por su gran talento como actor y lo increíble que nos parece como persona, por lo solidario, preocupado y entregado que es. Para mi Ian es mi ídolo así que os invito a que os unáis a mi en este post para poder compartir información y comentar sobre él.

¡¡Sed bienvenid@s!!

28/03/2015 22:19
28/03/2015 22:32
A ver que alguien me explique como puede ser que esta niña vaya tan guapa y estilosa en su dia a dia y luego se plante esa horrorosidad de vestidos. Es que no lo comprendo!!!
28/03/2015 23:09
No se entiende la verdad que no xD ademas que es que esta vez es de los feos feos a parte de que no la cae nada bien, con la de vestidos bonitos que hay de verdad...
29/03/2015 15:27
Pero horroroso horroroso...que está clarisimo que se llevan las transparencias este año, pero mujer, hay formas y formas... (y colores, osea... de verdad, amarillo y blanco?????????). Además qué significa ese sujetador color carne ahí debajo? es un espanto todo el look en si.

Al menos en el aeropuerto estan bien guapos los dos.

Pero jolin, que poco material no? yo quería alguna fotito, porque pedir el video de la entrega del premio es como demasiado verdad?
29/03/2015 16:13
La verdad es que si , el vestido es feo con ganas y ese color ugh! y con lo guapa que se ve ella de cara ,mega bien acompañada por cierto.

29/03/2015 17:51
Nikki se lleva genial con los amigos de Ian, se ve super implicada en el grupo de RYOT

29/03/2015 18:35
a mi ese peinado no le sienta nada bien, parece que tuviera poca melona y no me gusta como le qeda. El vestido es horroroso con lo guaapa qe va asi informal y tal chic, es que en serio, yo tampoco entiendo porque elige vestidos tan hoooorrorosos con el bonito gusto que tiene para elegir la ropa de calle ...

Ian guapisimo, la ultima foto es que vamos para merendarle entero carcajada
29/03/2015 20:21
Pero por dios que hombre!!! Guapísimo de traje con la pajarita y todo!!!

Y digo yo... tan buenorro que va y solo salen 4 fotos ahí guarreras??? hum

El vestido de Nikki pues directo al ranking de las modelitos más horribles de la historia carcajada

Odio profundamente las transparencias... pero si ya encima tienen ese color amarillo pollo radiactivo, esa distribución tan fea... y ya Nikki lo corona poniendose un sujetador debajo que se ve a la legua... pues horrible vamos jajaja

En el aeropuerto monísima!! Como siempre si

¿Ahora donde están entonces? Porque he leído en twitter que el aeropuerto es LAX! ¿Entonces están en los ángeles? ¿Podríamos esperar alguna fotillo-novedad más? jaja

Gracias por dejar todo, esta noche me vuelvo a pasar y veo los vídeos que habéis dejado ;)
30/03/2015 20:18
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! ouch


Nikki: hija mía, ¿cómo te pones ese vestido? asombrado Por llamarle algo porque es feo no, lo siguiente snif

CHICAS: ya sé qué regalo de bodas le podríamos hacer entre todas a NIKKI:
un/una estilista para las red carpets carcajada Lo necesita con urgencia.
Y yo también lo necesito porque de cada vez que la veo con ese esperpento me duele la vista ouch
Sin embargo, en el aeropuerto ya se le ve mucho mejor. Cuando va casual está muy guapa pero es pisar una alfombra roja y ¡¡ya la hemos fastidiado!! carcajada
Ian como siempre guapisisísimo bravo
Estoy de acuerdo con vosotras en que cómo es posible que sólo haya unas cuantas fotos cutres del evento hum empiezo a preguntarme si en USA saben lo que significa smartphone hum
31/03/2015 00:23
Virgen santísima!!! Que hombre!!!


Más fotos por favor!!! Que calores!!



Otra foto, aquí luciendo ojazos! Esta la ha subido él mismo porque está en medio de un atasco jajaja

iansomerhalder: When you hit a huge traffic jam after a lonnnnnnnng day...

31/03/2015 04:25
Chic@s gracias por las fotos, y gracias Ire por estas dos ultimas...Que Ian hasta haciendo muecas se le ve adorable. Nicki ...Ay mamita, el vestido mas sin gracia que he visto...agarralo y QUEMALO! Mis ojos como siempre van para Ian que vestido así parece un príncipe...que digo principe...REY! Y no hay video del evento por ningún lado...ojala aparezca uno en estos días. Sequía de información por hoy parece zzzzz
31/03/2015 05:38
De a poco salen fotos de Miami
31/03/2015 14:04
Yo tiro más para la teoría de que Ian estaba cansado durante la gala y con unas ganas de dormir tremendas. Más que nada, porque él mismo lo dice en esta entrevista:

Ian Somerhalder stepped up to the plate Friday night, showing that The Vampire Diaries hunk is definitely fiance material and has no issue playing a supporting role.

Somerhalder traveled to South Florida to be on the arm of his beloved, Nikki Reed, who received the Humane Society of the U.S.’s Inspirational Award during a vegan gala at St. Regis Bal Harbour Resort.

“So excited,” Somerhalder posted before the event on Instagram with a picture of the couple’s intertwined hands.

The fellow animal lover added he was “blown away” by the “beautiful” Twilight actress and was “grateful” to be her date. Cue the awwws.

As for Reed, she wore a dainty yellow lacy dress and chatted with guests about the cause, celebrating animals and confronting cruelty. She gave shout-outs to the work done by The HSUS Animal Rescue Team and the South Florida Wildlife Center and discussed a new ad campaign to stop breed specific legislation.

Asked if the two actors were going to be able to take in any South Florida sights, Somerhalder told an attendee, “Man, I would love to. We’ll see. I’m running on fumes as I’ve barely slept in the last few days. I could use a champagne.”

Read more here:

Y otra que tampoco ha dormido bien en día es Nikki, que dice que estaba muy preocupada buscando casa a perritos que iban a sacrificar:

Actress. Writer. Musician. Producer. Soon-to-Be Director. These are all ways to describe Nikki Reed. Yet the LA-bred multi-hyphenate had altogether different aspirations before stepping into the spotlight after starring in director Catherine Hardwicke’s breakthrough 2003 film, Thirteen. “I wanted to be a vet and take care of animals,” says the 26-year-old. “I didn’t ever think of myself as an actress.”

Of course, Reed’s work in Thirteen -- which she co-wrote with Hardwicke, a family friend -- would make her one. The script, written and produced when Reed was indeed in her first year of adolescence, was a raw reflection of her own experiences at that age and it resonated with independent film audiences. Opportunities swiftly emerged, including a supporting role in Hardwicke’s 2005 skateboarder drama Lords of Dogtown, an arc on everyone’s favorite teen soap from the mid-aughts, The O.C., 3 and a much coveted role as the vampire Rosalie Hale in the Twilight trilogy.

Still her love of animals never waned. That’s why Reed paid a visit to California’s State Capitol in early March to testify on behalf of Assembly Bill 147, also known as the Research Animal Adoption Bill. The initiative will help build relationships between research facilities that experiment on animals and non-profit rescue organizations that want to find those animals homes.

Reed’s animal-rights work started a decade ago, when she began fostering pets— dogs, cats, horses, even rats. She was inspired by her mother, who “has been doing this since I was born,” Reed explains. “She basically takes in any and everything that has a heartbeat.” Five years ago, the Los Angeles-based actress built a guest house on her property so that her mother could move in and help care for her multiple fosters. “My mom deserves every bit of credit,” she says. “It’s all her.”

But Reed’s natural inclination towards activism isn’t relegated to animals alone. Recently, she partnered with Thrive Market, an online monthly-membership service that offers organic and GMO-free groceries at wholesale prices. (Think Whole Foods options at Costco prices.) And for every membership purchased, one is donated to a low-income family. “I grew up eating off the dollar menu at every fast food restaurant. When you have a single mother that makes $15,000 a year for her two kids in a major city like Los Angeles, money runs out quickly,” Reed says. “If my mom could have afforded it she would have bought healthy organic vegetables but we didn’t have the money.” While Reed is reticent about discussing romantic relationships, she will admit that Thrive, which has enrolled 650, 000 members since November 2014, is a labor of love shared with fiancé Ian Somerhalder, who is also deeply involved.

Given the amount of time Reed spends trying to save the world -- she’s also an advocate of autism awareness -- it’s hard to understand how she has the time to do the Hollywood thing. Over the past year, she has starred opposite next-big-thing Jake Lacy in the indie sports comedy Intramural, J.K. Simmons and Blythe Danner in Murder of a Cat, and William Shatner in The Sunday Horse, / which is set to be released later in 2015. Reed also made her directorial debut last year with the ESPN documentary Think Normal, which chronicled autistic basketball player Jason McElwain who became an internet sensation after scoring 20 points in the last four minutes of his high school basketball game. (Reed’s younger brother is autistic, which is part of the reason why McElwain’s spoke to her so personally.) “I was very, very inspired by this kid, but more so by his family,” she says. “I wanted to understand how his family contributed to him, and the man that he became. So I made a film about his mother.”

Strong women have played a recurring role in Reed’s own life, including her mom and Hardwicke. “I will forever be motivated to not only learn from women, but also be that example for other young women,” she says.

To that end, she is building a production company, which she launched with Somerhalder earlier this year. Her first big project was Enter the Dangerous Mind, a film she co-produced with Jake Hoffman. Reed also starred in the thriller, which was released in theaters this past February. “Not to sound redundant, but I do feel like it’s important for women in particular to focus on having a little more control over the roles that they choose,” she says. “Creating something is oftentimes your best bet. I’m actually currently writing a feature that I’m planning on directing.”

While Reed is mum on details about what her first feature, it’s clear she has a good handle on the current course of her career. “I started in this business when I was only 13, and I’m still very young,” she says. “At this age my primary focus and goal is chasing directors I want to work with and chasing material.” No matter what she chooses as her next project, there’s no doubt Reed will make plenty of time for the admirable work she does beyond the stage and screen. In fact, she had spent the day before rescuing a group of dogs from animal center in Georgia. "I haven’t slept in three days because I’ve been trying to figure out how to get those guys out before they were all killed,” she says. All in a day’s work for a Hollywood star with a conscience.

PD: a Ian le hace falta un buen pelado, ¿eh? Con lo guapo que estaba él en la quinta temporada de TVD con ese pelo cortito...
31/03/2015 18:15
Estoy de acuerdo con tod@s, a Ian le falta un buen corte de pelo, pero Nikki niña...dicelo! Y las fotos de Nikki...hmmm... no esas fotos no la ayudan... el maquillaje o la luz, la hacen ver RARA.

Nueva imagen del 6x21


Salio un articulo de belleza y hablan de como seria la belleza perfecta del hombre y la mujer para los británicos, lo curioso aquí es que al describir lo que debía ser la cara de un hombre, enumeran las características de nuestro Ian...Así que si alguien lo dudaba, ahora nos lo confirman...El rostro de Ian es perfecto! Si alguien quiere leerlo... aquí esta el articulo.

Edito: Y no solo es cara bonita...
31/03/2015 21:17
Y mas fotos , la ultima me gusta mucho. Que guapo esta Ian , claro un corte de pelo no le vendria mal .

31/03/2015 21:56
Pero qué guapos!!!!! Jo, que alegría que al final hayan salido fotos decentes! jajajaja

A mi el vestido de Nikki tampoco me horroriza, no es ni de lejos lo mejor que ha llevado, pero vamos que la veo guapa. Aunque eso si, lo del sujetador carne como que no. Pero bueno...

Dejo foto de Ian y Annie. Hay que ver las buenas migas que han hecho estos dos! si

01/04/2015 00:20
Comparto nuevos vídeos de Ian y Paul en la convención de Houston

01/04/2015 16:05
Nikki en IG:
Spent the morning sub-teaching at Emory University's business school talking about progressive marketing with an inspiring group of young individuals. Reminding all of you that were in the class that YOU are the future. YOU will change the world. Thank you for having us, and thank you for a great conversation. #BestDayEver @chevrolet #ad

Rodney Ho ‏@ajcrodneyho
An Emory marketing class is sleepy (or in awe) w/ @iansomerhalder & @NikkiReed_I_Am visiting. "Take yr shirt off," Nikki jokes. #BestDayEver

Rodney Ho ‏@ajcrodneyho
#BestDayEver is a big Chrysler marketing campaign which includes @iansomerhalder @NikkiReed_I_Am teaching a class


Ian Somerhalder, Nikki Reed surprise Emory business class

Ian Somerhalder of “Vampire Diaries” fame and his fiance and “Twilight” actress Nikki Reed swung by a Goizueta Business School marketing class this morning.

They talked promotion and branding for about 15 minutes, then took a huge selfie of the class. The students were rapt but very polite. Reed, sensing the low energy, jokingly suggested Somerhalder to “Take off your shirt.” He didn’t but he was very earnest about pushing passion and finding topics they care about when it comes to marketing themselves.

Credit Chevrolet and the celebrity marketing site WhoSay for this supposed April Fools’ joke pushing hashtag #BestDayEver. They promoted it as such though it lacked any actual prank elements. It was more of a pleasant surprise for a sleepy early morning class.

George Martin, an Emory exchange student who asked a question about how Somerhalder and Reed handle the relentless need to market themselves, said the class did perk up when the actors showed up. He said he had no idea they were going to show up but was familiar with Somerhalder because a girlfriend was obsessed with “Vampire Diaries.” He was impressed with Somerhalder’s confidence and smarts.

Somerhalder (who has a strong Twitter following of 5.7 million followers) pointedly observed that Martin was dressed in business attire, not normal student wear. Martin said he had a presentation later in the day, that this wasn’t his normal 8:30 a.m. dress. “I will now forever be known as that guy who wears a suit and tie to class,” he said bemusedly after class.

The actors subbed in briefly for marketing professor Manish Tripathi, who has been at Emory since 2008. He said he was asked by Emory to do this the day before. He honestly had no idea who Somerhalder or Reed were. “It ties in with my class,” Tripathi said. “Next week we’ll talk about promotion. It’s nice to see how it’s done as a live example.”

And it certainly upped his cool points his his students.

“You are my favorite professor,” one student told him as she left class.

WhoSay and Chevrolet held similar promotions in New York with Olivia Wilde and “The Walking Dead” actor Norman Reedus plus Alec Baldwin in Los Angeles. They will put together some promo videos that should be available later today.

Somerhalder’s hit CW show “Vampire Diaries” was one of the first shows to shoot in Atlanta after tax credits were sweetened in Georgia in 2008. It is currently in its sixth season of production with a seventh season guaranteed.

Ian en IG:

Thank you Emory University for giving us the opportunity to sub-teach your business/marketing class for an hour. Teaching is as much about listening as it is about talking. We learn from you guys, truly. Identifying your skills, your passions and then marrying the two is the key to success- to the future.
#BestDayEver @chevrolet #ad


Y aquí Olivia Wilde haciendo lo mismo en NY. Qué envidia me dan estos americanos...
01/04/2015 17:22
Hay algo que nuestro Ian no pueda hacer bien? Profesor hot ahora , wow! si que tienen suerte los gringos.
Con el orgullo que lo mira la Nikki en esa foto , toda embobada , poco falta para que le caiga la baba .
01/04/2015 17:27
En serio?????

Que asco con estos americanos... lo tienen todo jo hum

Que fuerte!! Osea que estando ahí en plan amargados en la clase... y de repente les dicen que la clase de hoy la iban a dar Ian y Nikki!! asombrado
Soy yo y me da un chungo allí mismo jajaja

Que suerte tienen algunos, tener a Ian de profesor aunque sea unos minutos... Y yo que mi profesor más joven debe tener casi 60 años carcajada

Además dice ahí en el artículo que lo han grabado y que subirán los vídeos más tarde! Así que seguimos con la racha de novedades! A ver si no para la cosa jaja

A todo esto, cuando es Coachella?? Que se supone que iban, no?? Vamos Nikki fijo porque es anfitriona en no se qué evento si

Y que asdfghjkl la foto con la Madre Salvatore!! Que se la ve que es una mujer super tierna y que le ha cogido cariño a Ian como si fuera su hijo de verdad jaja


Esperate que se me olvida comentar lo más importante jajaja

Que tenemos más fotos de Ian de traje!!! Pero que buenorro que está!! Que me encanta a mí con cualquier cosa que se ponga, pero cuando se arregla así a mi ya me termina de matar!
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